Green Tree Public Library is excited to introduce a life-changing addition to our lending collection—the Hero Advanced Microchip Reader! This portable device allows users to scan lost cats and dogs for an embedded microchip, helping reunite missing pets with their owners.
When a pet is scanned, the reader displays a unique identification number if a microchip is detected. The included step-by-step instructions will guide you on how to trace the number back to the pet’s registered owner.
This item can be borrowed for one week and is non-renewable to ensure that as many community members as possible can access this important tool. Please note that due to liability issues, library staff cannot assist in the scanning and animals are not permitted in the building, except for service animals. The device is fully self-service and must be checked out to an active library card.
If you’d like to borrow the Hero Advanced Microchip Reader, we recommend calling the library at 412-921-9292. If available, we’ll set it aside for you.
By adding this device to our collection, the library is helping pet lovers and good Samaritans make a difference in the lives of lost animals.